Monday, August 24, 2020
American Presidents Who Owned Slaves
American Presidents Who Owned Slaves American presidents have a convoluted history with subjection. Four of the initial five presidents claimed slaves while filling in as president. Of the following five presidents, two possessed slaves while president and two had claimed slaves before throughout everyday life. As late as 1850 an American president was the proprietor of countless slaves while serving in office. This is a glance at the presidents who possessed slaves. Above all, its simple to abstain from the two early presidents who didn't claim slaves, a celebrated dad and child from Massachusetts: The Early Exceptions John Adams:à The second president didn't affirm of servitude and never claimed slaves. He and his significant other Abigail were outraged when the government moved to the new city of Washington and slaves were constructingâ public structures, including their new home, the Executive Mansion (which we presently call the White House). John Quincy Adams:à The child of the subsequent president was a deep rooted adversary of servitude. Following his single term as president during the 1820s he served in the House of Representatives, where he was frequently a vocal supporter for the finish of bondage. For quite a long time Adams struggled against the stifler rule, which forestalled any conversation of subjection on the floor of the House of Representatives. The Early Virginians Four of the initial five presidents were results of a Virginia society in which servitude was a piece of regular day to day existence and a significant segment of the economy. So while Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were totally viewed as loyalists who esteemed freedom, they all underestimated subjugation. George Washington: The primary president possessed slaves for a large portion of his life, starting at 11 years old when he acquired ten subjugated homestead laborers upon the passing of his dad. During his grown-up life at Mount Vernon, Washington depended on a changed workforce of oppressed individuals. In 1774, the quantity of slaves at Mount Vernon remained at 119. In 1786, after the Revolutionary War, yet before Washingtons two terms as president, there were in excess of 200 slaves on the manor, including various youngsters. In 1799, after Washingtons residency as president, there were 317 slaves living and working at Mount Vernon. The adjustments in slave populace are somewhat because of Washingtons spouse, Martha, acquiring slaves. In any case, there are likewise reports that Washington bought slaves during that period. For a large portion of Washingtons eight years in office the government was based inà Philadelphia. To skirt a Pennsylvania law that would allow a slave opportunity in the event that the person in question lived inside the state for a half year, Washington moved slaves to and fro to Mount Vernon. At the point when Washington kicked the bucket his slaves were liberated by an arrangement in his will. Nonetheless, that didn't end subjugation at Mount Vernon. His better half possessed various slaves, which she didn't free for an additional two years. Also, when Washingtons nephew, Bushrod Washington, acquired Mount Vernon, another populace of slaves lived and took a shot at the estate. Thomas Jefferson: It has been calculatedâ that Jefferson claimed in excess of 600 slaves through a mind-blowing span. At his bequest, Monticello, there would have as a rule been a subjugated populace of around 100 individuals. The home was continued running by slave plant specialists, coopers, nail producers, and even cooks who had been prepared to get ready French food valued by Jefferson. It was broadly supposed that Jeffersonâ had a long-term issue with Sally Hemings, a slave who was the stepsister of Jeffersons late spouse. James Madison:à The fourth president was destined to a slave-possessing family in Virginia. He claimed slaves for an incredible duration. One of his slaves, Paul Jennings, lived in the White House as one of Madisons workers while a youngster. Jennings holds an intriguing distinction:â a little book he distributed decades later is viewed as the primary diary of life in the White House. What's more, obviously, it could likewise be viewed as a slave story. In A Colored Mans Reminiscences of James Madison, distributed in 1865, Jennings portrayed Madison in complimentary terms. Jennings gave insights regarding the scene where objects from the White House, including the renowned picture of George Washington that hangs in the East Room, were taken from the chateau before the British consumed it in August 1814. As per Jennings, crafted by making sure about resources was for the most part done by the slaves, not by Dolley Madison. James Monroe:à Growing up on a Virginia tobacco ranch, James Monroe would have been encircled by slaves who worked the land. He acquired a slave named Ralph from his dad, and as a grown-up, at his own ranch, Highland, he possessed around 30 slaves. Monroe thought colonization, the resettlement of slaves outside the United States, would be the inevitable answer for the issue of servitude. He had faith in the strategic American Colonization Society, which was shaped not long before Monroe got down to business. The legislative hall of Liberia, which was established by American slaves who settled in Africa, was named Monrovia out of appreciation for Monroe. The Jacksonian Era Andrew Jackson:à During the four years John Quincy Adams lived in the White House, there were no slaves living on the property. That changed when Andrew Jackson, from Tennessee, got to work in March 1829.â Jackson harboredâ no apprehensions about servitude. His business interests during the 1790s and mid 1800s included slave exchanging, a point later raised by rivals during his political battles of the 1820s. Jackson initially purchased a slave in 1788, while a youthful attorney and land theorist. He kept exchanging slaves, and an impressive piece of his fortune would have been his responsibility for property. At the point when he purchased his manor, The Hermitage, in 1804, he carried nine slaves with him. When he became president, the slave populace, through buy and proliferation, had developed to around 100. Relocating to the Executive Mansion (as the White House was known at that point), Jackson brought family unit slaves from The Hermitage, his domain in Tennessee.â After his two terms in office, Jackson came back to The Hermitage, where he proceeded to claim an enormous populace of slaves. At the hour of his passing Jackson possessed around 150 slaves. Martin Van Buren:à As a New Yorker, Van Buren appears to be a far-fetched slave proprietor. Furthermore, he in the long run ran on the ticket of the Free-Soil Party, an ideological group of the late 1840s restricted to the spread of bondage. However subjection had been legitimate in New York when Van Buren was growing up, and his dad claimed few slaves. As a grown-up, Van Buren claimed one slave, who got away. Van Buren appears to have put forth no attempt to find him. At the point when he was at last found following ten years and Van Buren was told, he permitted him to stay free. William Henry Harrison:à Though he crusaded in 1840 as a boondocks character who lived in a log lodge, William Henry Harrison was conceived at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia. His familial home had been worked by slaves for ages, and Harrison would have experienced childhood in impressive extravagance which was upheld by slave work. He acquired slaves from his dad, however inferable from his specific conditions, he didn't possess slaves for the vast majority of his life. As a youthful child of the family, heâ would not acquire the familys land. So Harrison needed to discover a vocation, and in the long run chose the military. As military legislative head of Indiana, Harrison tried to make servitude lawful in the domain, yet that was contradicted by the Jefferson organization. William Henry Harrisons slave-possessing was a very long time behind him when he was chosen president. Furthermore, as he passed on in the White House a month in the wake of moving in, he had no effect on the issue of subjugation during his extremely short term in office. John Tyler:à The man who became president upon Harrisons demise was a Virginian who had experienced childhood in a general public familiar with bondage, and who claimed slaves while president. Tyler was illustrative of the mystery, or false reverence, of somebody who guaranteed that bondage was underhanded while effectively sustaining it. During his time as president he claimed around 70 slaves who dealt with his home in Virginia. Tylers one term in office was rough and finished in 1845. After fifteen years, he partook in endeavors to stay away from the Civil War by arriving at a type of bargain which would have permitted bondage to proceed. After the war started he was chosen for the governing body of the Confederate States of America, yet he kicked the bucket before he sat down. Tyler has an interesting differentiation in American history: As he was effectively associated with the resistance of the slave states when he kicked the bucket, he is the main American president whose passing was not seen with authentic grieving in the countries capital. James K. Polk:à The man whose 1844 selection as a dull pony up-and-comer shocked even himself was a slave proprietor from Tennessee. On his home, Polk claimed around 25 slaves. He was viewed as being lenient of bondage, yet not over the top about the issue (not at all like government officials of the day, for example, South Carolinas John C. Calhoun). That helped Polk secure the Democratic designation when disunity over servitude was starting to majorly affect American legislative issues. Polk didn't live long in the wake of leaving office, he despite everything claimed slaves at the hour of his demise. His slaves were to be liberated when his significant other kicked the bucket, however occasions, explicitly the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment, mediated to free them well before his wifes demise decades later. Zachary Taylor:à The last president to possess slaves while in office was a vocation warrior who had become a national legend in the Mexican War. Zachary Taylor additionally was an affluent landowner and he had around 150 slaves. As the issue of sl
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Owning a Car Free Essays
Vehicle possession is a significant piece of life for individuals. Possessing a vehicle has numerous focal points and certainly carries individuals with a great deal of comfort. To begin with, it can assist individuals with moving things, for example, move things to another home. We will compose a custom article test on Possessing a Car or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now There are heaps of various furnishings or a few things in someoneââ¬â¢s home, so individuals can simply place everything into boxes and load into vehicle to ship them. Additionally, it is exceptionally helpful for purchasing food supplies. Once in a while, individuals may purchase loads of enormous sacks of nourishments in a general store, and afterward need to convey them to their homes. In this manner individuals will require a type of transportation to convey them. Furthermore, possessing a vehicle can prompt more opportunities to get to know each other with companions, since individuals don't have to take open vehicle to go meet them. They can likewise have delight trips with others, and you will have more security while voyaging utilizing your own vehicle for transportation. In addition, they can spare numerous hours on going to a far off goal. Actually, I think taking open transportation possibly burns through a great deal of time. On the off chance that somebody needs to take it, it could take a great deal of effort to hang tight for it. Likewise, you may not show up at your goal on schedule, in light of the fact that there are numerous stops in transit. On the off chance that you go to the work or school in a rush, it is additionally valuable to claim a vehicle to spare time. I imagine that possessing a vehicle couldn't just make life simpler, yet in addition make it progressively advantageous. The most effective method to refer to Owning a Car, Papers
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Breckinridge, John Cabell
Breckinridge, John Cabell Breckinridge, John Cabell, 1821â"75, Vice President of the United States (1857â"61) and Confederate general, b. Lexington, Ky. A lawyer, Breckinridge served in the Kentucky legislature (1849â"51) and in the House of Representatives (1851â"55). He was chosen by the Democrats in 1856 as a Southern running mate for Buchanan . As Vice President in a difficult period, he distinguished himself by dignified and impartial presiding over the Senate. When a division within the Democratic ranks occurred in 1860, he became the presidential candidate of the Southern faction. Breckinridge claimed that no power existed in the federal or local government to restrict slavery in any area while it was in territorial status. Believing in secession as a right, he nevertheless disapproved of such a course at that time. He received 72 electoral votes in the November election. During the remainder of his term as Vice President, he attempted to secure the adoption of some compromise. As Senator (electe d 1859) in the special session that began in July, 1861, he consistently opposed the administration's war measures. He failed in efforts to have Kentucky call a convention to act on secession. When the state declared for the Union in Sept., 1861, Breckinridge offered his services to the Confederacy. Appointed brigadier general in Oct., 1861, he served with distinction throughout the war, mostly in the West. On Feb. 4, 1865, he was made secretary of war for the Confederacy. When the South surrendered, Breckinridge fled to Europe via Cuba but was permitted to return (1869) by an amnesty proclamation issued in 1868. See biographies by L. Stillwell (1936) and W. C. Davis (1974, repr. 1992). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Friday, May 22, 2020
Miners Essay - 1510 Words
The Young Change Agents Introduction: Every organizational structures and practice has the role of the change agent and it plays a significant part in organization. A case like ââ¬ËThe Young Change Agentsââ¬â¢ focuses on the change leader and the bottom of the ladder. Following by that in this case study James Shaw who joined AIESEC- world largest student-run international student exchange and development organization and his main responsibilities were recruiting, training, motivating, utilizing and retaining the organizationââ¬â¢s members. Therefore as a self directed and self motivated person, Shaw kept himself engaged with the organization, and spent time on networking within the firm and making suggestions where he feltâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Personal characteristics, attitudes, and qualities most needed to be successful: To be successful in these situation personal characteristics, attitudes and qualities are most needed. Therefore, they recruit Fabio Sgaragli, he had been the nation al president of AIESEC Italy and also had also worked with Shaw at AIESEC international in Brussels, deeply talented and real visionary. However, implement a whole new strategy adopted by the company, hard work and determination was a very important role to be exercised by the members of the group. In addition, the members were also required to be enthusiastic, creative and ambitious to achieve their goals. Considering different parties involved to the new strategy networking was another important issue that could be considered to make everyone understand the efficiency. According to Jick T.D and Peiperl M.A (2003), each member of the group had good experience with strategic management for being involved for long period in management in other organization, which helps the members to figure out the necessity of a strategy to be considered based on the vision, objectives and goals of the company. PwC is a very big company and it was beyond their thoughts before they actually got selec ted to the company and it was very hard for the members to communicate with each others to get help and authorization to implement the new strategy. Therefore, it is very important to have good communication skill andShow MoreRelatedMiners and History Essay1749 Words à |à 7 PagesMiners and History At the beginning of the War the county had high hopes. War Socialism had been brought in, this was the countrys industries being geared up toward the war effort, this included the mines being nationalised, and many miners hoped that they would stay nationalised after the war. The miners at that time liked the government and some even joined the armed forces, the minersRead MoreThe Infected Leaves Of Aspen Leafminers Essay711 Words à |à 3 PagesLeaves of Aspen Leafminers The study performed was the counting of infected leaves and trees in five groups. The five groups were called A, B, C, D and E. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Fight For Women s Suffrage - 1434 Words
Human rights, coined in the late 1940s, are typically described as entitlements or privileges belonging inherently to all persons regardless of status such as nationality, sex, religion, etc. (TomasÃÅ'evski). One fundamental issue with the ability for women to exercise basic human rights lies with baseless stereotyping and corruption within institutions of power that are meant to protect these rights (What Are Human Rights). Many people strongly believe that with time comes advancement. This is true to some extent, but much progress is yet to be seen as revealed by current feminist issues that are undoubtedly comparable to those of the early 20th century. One of the most prominent issues of the early 1900ââ¬â¢s was the fight for womenââ¬â¢s suffrage, or in simple terms, the right to vote (TomasÃÅ'evski). As America established itself as the worldââ¬â¢s first democracy, many European laws and social customs were carried over by colonists to the New World (Women and the Equa l Rights Movement). At this time, women were assigned subordinate positions in society that ensured their dependence on men; they were assigned to roles solely within the domestic sphere and unable to develop their education, control their finances, or have any basic level of autonomy. Women provided immense contributions to the country during the Revolutionary War, and yet when pleading for rights, they were ignored and arguably lost more of their rights with the signing of the Constitution. Industrialism andShow MoreRelatedThe Fight For Women s Suffrage Movement1328 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Fight For Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage The Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage Movement of the 1920ââ¬â¢s worked to grant women the right to vote nationally, thereby allowing women more political equality. 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Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Sojourne r Truth, among others, they became the forefront of Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage in the 1848 ConventionRead MoreDifferences Between The American And Japanese Internment Camps During Wwii, And Women s Fight For Suffrage2229 Words à |à 9 Pageshave been ascribed features to people s lives based solely in biological characteristics. From Africanââ¬â¢s being made to be slaves through the middle passage, the Japanese internment camps during WWII, and women s fight for suffrage against the traditional decree of the founding fathers that only white landowning males could vote, the backlash to the subjugation of different peoples into the outskirts of society is awe inspiring. 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Women have suffered through this long battle to get what they knew they deserved and took time out of their lives to fight for what they believedRead MoreWomen s Suffrage Movement : Women1440 Words à |à 6 PagesApril 24, 2016 Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage Movement In the late 1800ââ¬â¢s through the early 1900ââ¬â¢s, women were not given the rights they have today and were being mistreated, but because of a few brave women who gave up their lives to fight for what they knew was right, this all changed. Many of these women were educated and brave, but were still denied their rights. Women have suffered through this long battle to get what they knew they deserved and took time out of their lives to fight for what they believedRead MoreWomenââ¬Å¡Ãâà ´s Suffrage Movement of Europe1187 Words à |à 5 PagesThroughout history, women have struggled for equality in all parts of the world. European women fought for suffrage for an extremely long period of time before they were granted full voting rights. Each country approved womenââ¬â¢s suffrage at different times, but it occurred in most European countries in the early 20th century. The first country to develop universal suffrage was Finland in the year 1906(ââ¬Å"Womenââ¬â¢s Suffr age in Europeâ⬠). One of the last countries to become open about womenââ¬â¢s voting rightsRead MoreWomen s Rights Movement During The Nineteenth Century1632 Words à |à 7 PagesAPUSH I May 26, 2016 Womenââ¬â¢s Rights Movement Women in the nineteenth century began to fight for their rights as they were inspired by other abolitionist movements. Women were denied basic natural rights that were given to men. For example, women were not allowed to vote or own property. They also earned less money than men, even if they were working the same job. Men also had a more variety of opportunities in regarding jobs and careers. Women were expected to care for the children and theRead MoreThe Struggle For Gain Suffrage884 Words à |à 4 PagesThe struggle to gain suffrage was not easy: anti-suffragists and the gender norms of society constantly interfered, leading to nearly a century-long battle of rights. Unlike preconceived notions about the suffrage movements of the nineteenth century, not all women wanted to obtain suffrage and women s organizations weren t always focused on the right to vote itself, but rather were radical. Change and new leadership were needed to refocus and improve women s suffrage organ izations in order toRead MoreEssay about The History of the Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage Movement977 Words à |à 4 PagesWomenââ¬â¢s suffrage, or the crusade to achieve the equal right for women to vote and run for political office, was a difficult fight that took activists in the United States almost 100 years to win. On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified, declaring all women be empowered with the same rights and responsibilities of citizenship as men, and on Election Day, 1920 millions of women exercised their right to vote for the very first time. The womenââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe On The Battlefield Of Equality1625 Words à |à 7 Pagesliterature, music, and patriotism. Women in the 1920s overcame the battle of obtaining suffrage and the advancement of birth control; these challenges led to an embracing of new ideas in fashion, sexuality, and equality. To begin, suffrage for women in America began in the mid 1800s and ended in 1920, when women in America were finally granted with this well-deserved right to vote. In America, suffrage began in the western state of Wyoming in 1869, where women had a slightly more equal role in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Action of Barbituates Free Essays
Homework Assignment Chapter 4 Addiction Studies (BHHS) Sherman Howard 1. Describe, the action of Barbiturates. They reduce sensory sensitivity to pleasure or pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Action of Barbituates or any similar topic only for you Order Now Replaceââ¬â¢s the need for sex, food and emotional involvement. 2. Describe the action of benzodiazepines and their withdrawal symptoms. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers; they cause dopamine levels to surge producing a pleasurable sensation. Withdrawal involves seizures, convulsions, and even death. 3. What is the biggest danger with drug synergism when using two depressant drugs? Overdose! 4. What is a paradoxical reaction to tranquilizers? Becoming more active instead of calmer. 5. Why is withdrawal so life threatening for alcohol and the barbiturates? Both can lead to Seizures and death. 6. Who is the hidden addict? An unborn Fetus can be, if the mother is an addict. ______________________________________________________________________________ Part Two: 1. What is the approximate percentage of alcohol in beer? Wine? Whiskey? Beer5% ââ¬â Wine15% ââ¬â Whiskey45% 2. What does BAC stand for? Blood Alcohol Concentration. 3. Describe the processing of alcohol from digestion to absorption. 0% is absorbed by the stomach the remaining 80% is absorbed in the small intestines. 4. What is alcohol effect on digestion and liver? Alcohol can stop digestion and increase hydrochloric acid production. Alcohol also causes a drop in blood sugar which can lead to a hypoglycemic state. 5. Name some factors that often predict alcoholism? Poor learning ability, poor judgment, short-te rm memory is affected. 6. After frequent high dose useâ⬠¦ which is more dangerous: immediate alcohol withdrawal or immediate heroin withdrawal? Alcohol is more immediate. Sherman Howard How to cite Action of Barbituates, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Japanese Immigrants And The Following Generations Had To Endure Essays
Japanese immigrants and the following generations had to endure discrimination, racism, and prejudice from white Americans. They were first viewed as economic competition. The Japanese Americans were then forced into internment camps simply because of the whites fear and paranoia. The Japanese first began to immigrate to the United States in 1868. At first they came in small numbers. US Census records show only 55 in 1870 and 2,039 in 1890. After that, they came in much greater numbers, reaching 24,000 in 1900, 72,000 in 1910, and 111,000 in 1920.(Parrillo,287) Most settled in the western states.(Klimova,1) Many families in Japan followed the practice of primogeniture, which is when the eldest son inherits the entire estate. This was a "push" factor. Because of primogeniture, "second and third sons came to the United States to seek their fortunes."(Parrillo,287) The promise of economic prosperity and the hope for a better life for their children were two "pull" factors. These foreign-born Japanese were known as Issei (first generation). They filled a variety of unskilled jobs in railroads, farming, fishing, and domestic services. (Klimova,1) The Japanese encountered hostility and discrimination from the start. In California, a conflict with organized labor was due to their growing numbers in small areas and racial visibility.(Parrillo,287) White workers perceived Japanese as economic competition. Their willingness to work for lower wages and under poor conditions brought on hostility from union members. The immigrants became victims of ethnoviolence. In 1890, Japanese cobblers were attacked by members of the shoe maker's union, and Japanese restaurateurs were attacked by members of the union for cooks and waiters in 1892. It was very difficult to find steady employment; therefore, most of them entered agricultural work. They first worked as laborers, accumulated sufficient capitol, then as tenant farmers or small landholders. Some became contract gardeners for whites.(Parrillo,287) The Japanese farmers were very knowledgeable of cultivation, which made them strong competitors against white farmers. More discrimination by the dominant group soon followed. "In 1913, the California legislator passed the first alien landholding law, prohibiting any person who was ineligible for citizenship from owning land in the state, and permitting such persons to lease land for no more than three years in succession."(Parrillo,287) This was ofcourse aimed at keeping the Japanese in the working class. Their native born children, the Nisei (second-generation), were automatically US citizens. Thus, the Issei had land put under their children's names directly or by collectively owning stock in landholding companies. Discrimination against the Japanese continued after World War I. The California legislature passed a law in 1920 "prohibiting aliens form being guardians of a minor's property or from leasing any land at all."(Parrillo,288) Yet another attempt by the dominant group to preserve power. Japanese American children also suffered racism and discrimination. In 1905, the San Francisco School Board of Education passed a policy sending Japanese children to a segregated Oriental school in Chinatown.(Parrillo,288) "Superintendent, Aaron Altmann, advised the city's principals: "Any child that may apply for enrollment or at present attends your school who may be designated under the head of ?Mongolian' must be excluded, and in furtherance of this please direct them to apply at the Chinese school for enrollment."(Asia,1) Japanese immigrants being extremely racially distinct, had different cultural customs and religious faith, and tended to chain migrate and stay within their own small communities. This aroused distrust and the idea that they could not be assimilated.(Klimova,2) Japan's victory in the Russo-Japanese war in 1905 fueled the irrational distrust and prejudice. It led to the Gentlemen's Agreement of 1908, secured by President Roosevelt, which "Japan agreed to restrict, but not eliminate altogether, the issuance of passports."(Parrillo,288) This attempt at reducing Japanese immigration had a huge loophole, it allowed wives to enter. Many Japanese practiced endogamy and sent for "picture brides." "Several thousand Japanese entered the United States every year until World War I, and almost 6,000 a year came after the war."(Parrillo,288) The anti-Japanese attitudes grew stronger. The Immigration Law of 1924 stated that all aliens ineligible for citizenship were refused entry. Thus, "...the Japanese migration to America [came] to a complete cessation."(Klimova,2) The law stayed in effect until 1952. By 1941, "about 127,000 ethnic Japanese lived in the United States, 94,000 of them in California."(Parrillo,289) Only "37 percent were Issei..."(Klimova,1) On December 7, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. When news of the attack reached the west coast, Japanese neighborhoods were surrounded by police. Within the first day, the FBI arrested 1,300 ?dangerous aliens'. They had jailed nearly 2,000 more by the end of December.(Spickard,93) Most of them were business executives, leaders of Japanese associations and community leaders whose only suspicious act was visiting relatives in Japan or contributing to the Japanese equivalent of the United Service Organization (USO). Those arrested were thrown into
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Salsa1 essays
Salsa1 essays Since Columbus discovered America and the slave trade began, music has always been a very important part of the Cuban culture. Cubas strategic position in the Caribbean, made it a real crossroad for all the trades between Central and North America and for most of the incoming slave ships from Africa. Cuba became a sponge that absorbed and processed all the surrounding music influences and all the incoming African rhythms and melodies. Since those days the music has mutated many times and through out the years one genres of music gave birth to new ones one of the most resent of those mutations has been called Salsa. The history of salsa is no only limited to Cuba but it extends to Puerto Rico and New York. In the last few years salsa has reached even the most unthinkable places of the world. Since Columbus came to America and brought with him the colonization of Las Americas, music has been a rich part of Cuban culture. When Spanish colonists started the trade of African slaves, the history of salsa music began. Given to Cubas crossroad position between North America, South America, the Old World and the New World most of the slave trading that occurred in the New World was done in Cuba. As consequence of this Cuba basically absorbed the cultures and religions from surrounding islands in the Caribbean and all the traditions and music that came from Africa. The real development of salsa music genre came from a series of music mutations when in the late 1800 the guaguanco or Santeria music started to make its way out from the sugar plantations to rural peoples lifes and then to the cities. The first music style that had its roots in guaguanco or Afro melody was a music genre named danzon but as all genres it slowly mutated. In the 1920s, the son, a faster, more danceable version of the older danzon was making it self to the top, but the classic ballrooms rejected it. However, Cub...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Im Writing a Trilogy (and How You Can, Too)
Im Writing a Trilogy (and How You Can, Too) Why I'm Writing a Trilogy - and Maybe You Should, Too After graduating with a degree in Biological Anthropology, Kara Timmins is now bringing her keen interest in evolutionary processes and natural systems into the fantasy genre with her first major release, Eloy's Discovery - book one in a trilogy. In this article, she talks about the power of three when it comes to storytelling, and offers tips for telling a cohesive, dynamic story in three parts. We can see evidence of the satisfaction found in groups of three all around us: Earth, Wind Fire; Lock, Stock, and Barrel (or Lock, Shock, and Barrel for you Nightmare Before Christmas fans); or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Itââ¬â¢s everywhere.To sum up: people like trios.Now, enough about the mind and 600-year old art. Letââ¬â¢s talk about structuring a trilogy.The structure of my trilogyItââ¬â¢s not an accident that my series is comprised of three books. Consumers are primed to understand and appreciate things in threes: as readers, weââ¬â¢re looking for ways to link, group, and interpret stories. This is an opportunity for writers, and I kept these expectations in mind while writing my series, The Eloy Trilogy.Each book in the trilogy is titled after a different phase of life: Discovery, Challenge, and Legacy, and is meant to feel like a different part of life. Within that framework, Iââ¬â¢ve also broken up the three stories into three different obstacles: book one is man vs. circumstance, book two is man vs. man, and book three is man vs. nature.While it is a fantasy with magic and monsters, the structure of the novel is intended to represent familiar and relatable stages of life. A first love is a first love - whether youââ¬â¢re fighting ground-dwelling creatures or trying to get through sixth period in high school.Filling in the gaps between sequels and prequelsThe story is broken up into three for the reader, but not for Eloy, my protagonist. For Eloy, itââ¬â¢s just his life. Recognizing the distinction between what the reader sees and what the character sees helps create a sense of a gradient (another thing our minds like). For me, that transition is the best way to include parts of what happened in the past book into the next one in the series, without having to rely on an ââ¬Å"info dump.â⬠Eloy is a person, and though he lives and struggles in a world very different from our own, his underlying structure is the same as someone living: his past doesnââ¬â¢t fall away from him. He uses what has happened to him to try and make sense of the present and predict the future. This is where that gradient lives, in his reflection of the past and his actions based on that. Bringing a character's past into their present is the best way to avoid info-dumps in a book series. Finding the right editor for my trilogyIncorporating these layers feels like a lot - and it is! Itââ¬â¢s hard to monitor cohesion when weââ¬â¢re shoulder-deep in a lump of clay on the spinning wheel.One of the most important aspects of writing The Eloy Trilogy was finding an editor willing to believe in the intention I have for this story. And I have found that in Chersti Nieveen. Chersti provides me guidance by steering my voice; she elevates it and keeps it on course. She knows what Iââ¬â¢m trying to do, and more importantly, she knows what the audience wants. Sheââ¬â¢s there for me when a small change in book one causes rippling edits in book three: like combing out tangles, and just as painful.Weââ¬â¢re united in our effort to link the business with the art, and, like Eloy surrounding himself with those who thrive where he is weak, itââ¬â¢s how I can foresee following this journey to the end. The rule of three has been used in storytelling for centuries. Read how it can benefit your book. The possibilities of what we can do using this already established structure of three are limitless. Readers will forgive us for selling three books when thereââ¬â¢s a reason for it; when weââ¬â¢re giving them more than three free-floating stories. We may not be Hieronymus Bosch, but we can give them art.Eloy's Discovery, the first book in The Eloy Trilogy, is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.For more tips on writing a trilogy, check out our past Reedsy Live video: Writing a Genre Series: The Perils and Pitfalls.Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Kara Timmins in the comments below!
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 40
Summary - Assignment Example In order to answer this question it is essential to identify why individuals listen to music. The author states that various individuals listen to music because they are able to relate with a particular piece of music and the emotional responses occur as individuals are able to see or feel the similarity between their condition and the condition that the music is focusing on. This ability of music has been quite clearly explained in the movie called Casablanca (Ball 274). In this movie a character restricts a musician from playing a particular piece of music as that piece of music awakens the emotional feeling of sadness in the soul of the individual. Another reason due to which music is able to generate certain emotions is because of the way it has been patterned. The author states that music pieces are created in such a manner that they make an individual think about what is going to happen next and this even causes emotional responses from the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Is Development Best Achieved by Being For, Or Against, Globalization Essay
Is Development Best Achieved by Being For, Or Against, Globalization - Essay Example This essay stresses that globalization is a word that has been coined recently to refer to an age-old process. Indeed, globalization began in the centuries preceding the New World and the European Age of Discovery. Some of the earliest forms of globalization were through trade and cultural interactions. For instance, the Ottoman Empire explored parts of Africa, Europe and Asia while trading silk and spices in the 15th century. However, the magnitude of globalization in these times can best be described by the term minute. Increasing in modern globalization began in the mid-1980s and has risen sharply in the subsequent decades. This sharp rise is attributed to the modern forms of communication such as the internet and the emergence of mobile phones. This paper makes a conclusion that development is best achieved by being against globalization. As illustrated above, the effects of globalization benefit few countries while causing disadvantages to many. The modern-day phenomenon has failed to eradicate poverty and improve on the lives of those in developing countries. Instead, it has resulted in high unemployment rates and degradation of the standards of living. For example, globalization has forced the shutdown of many startup companies based in developing countries due to their inability to match the expertise and capital of the developed world. Secondly, globalization has resulted in inequality between the developed and developing countries. This compounded with the debt crisis hinders development for the underdeveloped countries.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay --
Melville didnââ¬â¢t name the chapter in the novel, Moby-Dick, randomly. It is evident in this chapter that his syntax, diction, and the vivid descriptions truly depict a symphony. A symphony is a piece of music created for an orchestra and typically has four parts, or movements: Allegro, Andante, Adagio, and Presto. This chapterââ¬â¢s organization can be compared with the parts of a symphony, hence the reasoning behind Melvilleââ¬â¢s title: The Symphony. In the beginning of the chapter, Ishmael enjoys the clear steel-blue day. Clear steel-blue day is imagery and a metaphor, painting a picture in my mind of a very cerulean blue sky with no clouds. Melville describes the air as being pure, soft, and feminine whereas he describes the sea as robust, strong, and masculine. He is using personification by giving the air and sea, feminine and masculine features, respectively. He then again uses personification by describing the fish of the sea as strong, troubled, and having murderous thinkings. The panorama depicts an ideal view for a day of relaxation. This description is the Allegro of The Symphony...
Friday, January 17, 2020
Women Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the future of the modern society. They are the driving forces behind Indian economy. Entrepreneurs are people who come out with an new ideas , innovations , do things, which are not generally done in the ordinary course of a business. Empowerment of women entrepreneur is an new mantra for development of economy. The present paper focuses mainly women entrepreneur ,they still represent a minority of all entrepreneurs. It is observed that women entrepreneur networks are major sources of knowledge about womenââ¬â¢s entrepreneurship and they are increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for its development and promotion. Of the 1. 3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, 70 percent are women work two-thirds of the worldââ¬â¢s working hours, Women earn only 10 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s income. Women own less than 1 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s property. An effort has been made in this paper is to identify empowerment of women's entrepreneurship in Indian economy Introduction to Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship was previously considered to be unknown quality of an individual and hence it was believed that entrepreneurs are born and not made. But recent studies have proved that Entrepreneurial activities can be planned and developed in an individual through creation of opportunities, extended Facilities, Allowing Incentives, Developing Competence and group sensitiveness in an individual for all those factors Entrepreneurship is a social phenomenon and it is not inherent within a person, rather it exists in the interaction between people. It reflects a ray of hope for the unemployed to earn a living and maintain a dignified life and also for the economic development of the country. our vision of emerging as a superpower by 2020 will pivot momentously on Entrepreneurial shoulders. qual opportunity between men and women from the perspective of entrepreneurship is still not a reality. An Entrepreneur is the key figure in the process of economic growth. He/She is an economic person who tries to maximize his profits by innovation and thus aggressively contributing towards economic development. He is an organizer and speculator who is doing new things or doing things that are already being done in a new way. Women Entrepreneurship Women entrepreneurs play an important role in the entrepreneurial economy, both in their ability to create jobs for themselves and to create jobs for others. In Europe (both European Union countries and other European countries), estimates indicate that there exist more than 10 million self-employed women. In the United States 6. 4 million self-employed women provide employment for 9. 2 million people and create significant sales. Using the United States ratio between the number of employees and self-employment it may be estimated that employed women in surveyed European countries could employ around 15 million persons. Better qualitative information and quantitative data and statistics are required to profile women entrepreneurs (demographic information, barriers to start-up and growth). This would also assist in promoting awareness of the role of women entrepreneurs in the economy. Entrepreneur is held responsible for scanning the business landscape for unexploited opportunities. The improved way of doing is the innovation that the entrepreneur presents to the market. According to CWBR, there are 6. 2 million privately held majority (50% or more) women owned businesses in the U. S. employing 9. 2 million workers and contributing $1. 15 trillion to the economy. Half of all privately Owned business in the U. S. re owned by women, and between 1997 to 2005 women owned business grew at thrice the rate of all businesses. Together, women owned businesses and those owned equally by men and women number 10. 2 million employ more than 18 million workers and generate $2. 32 trillion. According to Women in the economy, a study conducted by Government of India, there are approximately 10 million homes based Business in India and 55,000 of them generate more than $1 million in revenue each year. Self-employment represents one of the most important job opportunities for women especially for women in developing economies. It is also observed that in all countries women still represent a minority of those that start new firms, are self-employed, or are small business owner-managers. Technology makes it possible for women to work productively from home and to stay actively involved in the lives of their children. 27% of women with home based businesses have children under the age of 18, 25% have children as young as 6 years old and 30% have children less than 6 years old. To a much greater extent than men (56 to 48%), women starts businesses to supplement income and to manage family responsibilities. Women-owned businesses are no passing fad. They are crucial to a healthy economy. They typically require little or no investment, they can be headquartered in the home, and they give women flexibility in balancing their work and family lives. Technology allows the cultivation of clients nationwide and even worldwide and there are lots of resources to help women get started. The greatest advantage of owning a business, According to Ashley:â⬠Working for yourself makes all the difference because you can do things the way you know are right so that your work speaks your values, beliefs, and ethics at the same time you are providing a necessary service. Indian women are considered as Sakthi, which means source of power. Effectively coordinating the available factors and resources. Efficient execution of decisions imposed on them. Clear vision and ambition on the improvement of family and children. Patience and bearing the sufferings on behalf of others and ability to work physically more at any age. Women sector occupies nearly 45% of the Indian population. The literary and educational status of women improved considerably during the past few decades. More and more higher educational and research institutions are imparting knowledge and specialization. At this juncture, effective steps are needed to provide entrepreneurial awareness, orientation and skill development programs to women. According to the experts , there are five levels of the women's empowerment framework, namely- welfare, access, conscientisation, mobilization and control. Welfare means an improvement in socio-economic status, such as improved nutritional status, shelter or income, which is the zero level of empowerment, where women are the passive recipients of benefits that are ââ¬Ëgiven' from on high. Access to resources and services stands for the women's empowerment framework, namely- welfare, access, conscientisation, mobilization and control. Conscientisation is defined as the process, by which women collectively urge to act to remove one or more of the discriminatory practices that impede their access to resources. Here, women form groups to understand the underlying causes of their problems and to identify strategies for action for gender equity. Mobilization is the action level of empowerment by forging links with the larger women's movement, to learn from the successes of women's similar trategic action elsewhere and to connect with the wider struggle. Control is the level of empowerment when women have taken action so that there is gender equality in decisions making over access to resources, so that women achieve direct control over their access to resources. More precisely, as a woman evolves through the entrepreneurial process she will face different obstacles related to the specific stage she is in (opportunity identification, opportunity exploitation and resource acquisition for example). Depending on the nature of those obstacles, only certain categories of women will enter into business and succeed consequently. In rural India, agriculture and allied industrial sectors employ as much as 89. 5% of the total female labour. In overall farm production, women's average contribution is estimated at 55% to 66% of the total labour. According to a 1991 World Bank report, women accounted for 94% of total employment in dairy production in India. Women constitute 51% of the total employed in forest-based small-scale enterprises. India's Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) has recognized for the first time that women are not just equal citizens, but are also acknowledged as agents of economic and social growth. Any development strategy will be lop-sided without involving women, who constitute half of the world population. Women entrepreneurship has gained momentum since the early 1980s when countries in Asia ââ¬â particularly India and China ââ¬â and elsewhere started liberalizing their economies. The resultant globalization ââ¬â propelled by foreign direct investment, technological innovations, and manufactured exports ââ¬â has brought a wide range of economic and social opportunities to women entrepreneurs. TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs), founded in Silicon Valley in 1992 by entrepreneurs and professionals with roots in the Indus region, announced the launch of Indiaââ¬â¢s first womenââ¬â¢s entrepreneurship platform called TiE Stree Shakti (TSS). is a forum for women entrepreneurs to create trust-based partnerships through active networks. Additionally, the forum founders recognize the immense contribution of women entrepreneurs to self, family and society. A study conducted by Ernst & Young titled ââ¬ËGroundbreakersââ¬â¢, observes: ââ¬Å"At a time when our global economy is facing its greatest challenge in decades, we have to capitalize on the contributions women can make. Itââ¬â¢s time to place renewed emphasis on women as a resource to move businesses and economies ahead. â⬠A study conducted by TiE revealed that 90% of women at the grass root level need help in Training & Education to improve their business skills. 78% of them were keen to re-start their business again but need encouragement and support from family and other like minded women. A mere 15 per cent of women hold senior management positions in privately-held businesses in India; the global average is 24 per cent and Some of the key areas where women want to start a business include garment shops, catering and beauty salons. The biggest challenge that many literate and illiterate women in rural and urban areas faces in entering into small industry as entrepreneurs is due to the lack of knowledge on product, Market and Quality and itââ¬â¢s to be seen that some committee should be constituted and the recommendations which are placed should be implemented in phases to root out the above problems. Every woman has the potential to be an Entrepreneur and it can be developed through nurturing skills and ideas. Women in business attain success for their intelligence, efficiency, commitment and Honesty. There is still much poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, and discrimination when it comes to women, but there is a certain segment of them that is making a mark in the corporate world, in the media, in literature and for many who are unaware they are making a huge impact in the IT sector. Globalization has provided opportunities for the educated, middle class woman to build her own dreams and excel in fields, which were earlier perceived as complete male domains. Though they are not the majority, Indian women professionals are definitely on the rise and are paving the way for future generations. Indian women are becoming increasingly visible and successful in the professional and public sphere. Whether it is Barkha Dutt, who has become a idol for several journalists, Arundhati Roy, a Booker Prize Winner and a social activist, or Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, who became the wealthiest Indian woman after the initial public offering of her company, Biocon , they have all heralded the arrival of Indian women professionals. Women are becoming increasingly visible in the domestic and international sphere in media, entertainment, business, IT, politics and literature. Approximately one third of employees at Indian software companies today are women. In fact, NASSCOM puts the figure at 38%, which is a higher figure than their western counterparts. Some of the reasons for this attraction to the IT sector include India's education system. Number of women managers and entrepreneurs in the corporate sector. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw's Biocon, a biotech firm is worth over $1. 1 billion, with her stake at $449 million. Vidya Mohan Chhabria, chairperson of the $2 billion Jumbo Group, and Naina Lal Kidwai, vice chairperson and managing director of HSBC Securities and Capital markets, are the two Indian women to feature on the list of the 50 most powerful women in international business by Fortune magazine. There are several others like Sulaijja Firodia Motwani and Mallika Srinivasan who figure prominently in the automotive industry while there are many other women who are successfully managing family run businesses. However, the emergence of India ââ¬Ës service sector ââ¬â travel, tourism, hospitality, media, and entertainment as well as business process outsourcing and IT is witnessing an increased role for female employees at the entry and middle levels. They will hopefully pave the way for future female professionals.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Mccaskey Case Analysis Essay - 672 Words
Martha McCaskey case analysis Background McCaskey, 29, a HBS graduate, worked in the Selerisââ¬â¢s Industry Analysis Division (IAD), a consulting firm in San Francisco branch. Her jobs were to analyst and report the competitive advantages of competitor companies to her clients. The employees of this company were separated into two groups, old and new guard. The members in old guard such as Rendall and Kaufmann often paid ex-employees of target companies to obtain highly sensitive information. IADââ¬â¢s top manager, Tom Malone, knew the company situation and knew how to play the game. Issue In Silicon 6 project, she had to get the secret information about the new chip manufacturing process and the cost structure for her biggest and oldestâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In my opinion, this company is not good enough to work with for several reasons. First, top managers had no ethics. For example, they took companyââ¬â¢s bonus for themselves. Second, there are many illegal actions that might lead to lawsuit. And finally, if top manager from head quarter in Chicago know about these illegal actions, they cannot let this situation continue and she, as a member of the conspiracy action, might be get fired. However, I recommend that she must finish this project. To get the new jobs, she needs excellent working experience and a good reference letter from Malone. So, she has to show responsibility as a project leader. She can talk to Malone that she has no experience on this situation and ask for help from her colleague, Kaufmann. She doesnââ¬â¢t have to blame herself at all on doing this because this action can be considered as a managerââ¬â¢s decision. With this way, she can finish the project and get promoted to be a group manager. And this promotion will show the progress in her career path which is very important for her new job application. On the other hand, I do not recommend her to voice her concern on the any upper level. Apparently, Richard and Malone are in the same boat. They do not consider getting information this way to be illegal or to be unethical. By doing so, she cannot stop the current behavior of Industry Analysis Division. If she asks for help from the people in headShow MoreRelatedMarth Mccaskey Case Questions1698 Words à |à 7 PagesThis examination is based on the ââ¬Å"Martha McCaskeyâ⬠case. Question 1 Seleris was a medium sized consulting firm based out of Chicago with offices in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Industry Analysis was the youngest and smallest of Selerisââ¬â¢s four divisions and was a separate, autonomous unit operating exclusively out of San Francisco. IAD consisted of 15 professionals, 12 analysts and 6 support staff. IAD has a formal organization structure but becomes blurry on the projects. 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